For the past ten years, we have been building platforms and websites for our clients, in a multitude of markets, with a double concern in mind:

How do you deliver an experience that helps your customers and makes you proud? and how do you deploy your content in a way that Google can use, and be profitable for you in terms of web traffic?

Our web design agency in Montreal offers to design websites that are ergonomic, fast, and compliant in front of search engines. Your website represents, or will certainly represent, the first gateway to your business. That makes it a top priority! Your website must be well designed to represent you correctly on search engines, and in front of your audience. A little less than 90% of Internet users (no less!) do their research online before buying… In other words, almost everyone.

But by the way, why create a website?

We like to say that a good website is a real estate. A solid, stable asset with increasing value over time. And to establish its value, keep in mind that building a website, (whether it’s a storefront or an online store), is as important in its appearance as it is in its compliance with Google.

And web design pays off big time! In 2021, web, digital marketing and/or IT systems design agencies and related services reported total operating revenue of $82.9 billion, (a growth of 16.6% year-on-year). And Quebec accounted for the second largest contribution with 25.3% of these revenues; It is therefore a priority in the economic landscape of our beautiful province in 2024.

Web Design Montreal

Our Web Design Service in Montreal

Working with the BlackCatSEO team is first and foremost about ensuring a successful online launch, both visually and in terms of web performance. The processes our teams use are transparent, and our customers participate in iterations with you on a regular basis. Our commitment to transparency and efficiency is summarized in our Code of Ethics

It is obvious that for companies in Montreal, the web audience is a powerful acquisition channel. But why exactly? Here are some of the main benefits that a website in Montreal can bring to your business, and that a good website design agency should be able to bring to you, through the design and creation process.

  • We are an SEO agency, so of course, Online Visibility:
  • Unavoidably;; Expanding your customer base:
  • Integrated promotion and marketing
  • A clear reinforcement of the brand image:
  • Better interaction with your customers:
  • Online sales and the implementation of transactional platforms, which are also eligible for certain government subsidies.
  • Data collection and a better knowledge of competition practices…

Website Design Montreal

Why entrust the design of your website to BlackcatSEO?

It really takes years to achieve a good balance between technical knowledge and market sensitivity.

Designing, creating, or redesigning a website is an art that requires a deep understanding of the target market, the various elements that go into creating a high-performing and attractive website. It encompasses several aspects such as ergonomics, aesthetics, user-friendliness and, of course, SEO. Our team is composed solely of experts in graphic design, web development, integration, copywriting, or technical SEO. In addition, we have press or media relations specialists to propel your platform by leaving! We try to answer the classic questions:

  1. How can I improve my company’s reputation in my field and with my clients?
  2. What do target customers currently expect from my business?
  3. How can I share my product and service offerings with a wider audience?
  4. What strategies should I implement to increase the visibility of my business to a wider and more qualified audience?
  5. How can I improve my company’s competitiveness in its market?

  • Your budget remains under control

Transparency is our credo. We provide turnkey packages, with no hidden fees, and from a 100% free analysis. Together, we assess your priorities, and go over the cost structure in order to remove what is not necessary, or add oversights. Thanks to our powerful tracking tools, we establish the impact of each action, and therefore, their ROI.

  • Design and Aesthetics, with SEO

Web developers and art directors are two VERY different jobs. An attractive design is essential to creating a successful site, which is why the design should bring together experts familiar with your market. A well-designed site attracts and holds visitors’ attention, encouraging interaction with the content and services offered. But more than an attractive design, and generating conversions, we provide sites that are optimized, starting out, for web referencing. This is a definite advantage over your competition!

  • Ease of Use (Ergonomics)

The ease of use of a site is based on intuitive and fluid navigation, a well-organized information architecture, and easy-to-use features. We compared some of the benefits of a design with our agency, compared to an online platform or CMS like Wix, Foursquare or Shopify.

BlackCatSEO Design
Web Authoring CMS
Design of a custom website

At BlackcatSEO, we offer an advanced customization service to design a custom website, especially for you. Our graphic design experts will take care of building a site that also accurately reflects your brand identity.

Website builder platforms usually offer pre-built and standardized templates.

Plugins & Integrations of Miscellaneous Extensions FREE

Our agency has the ability to connect your site to other systems or platforms you use for inventory or data management.

Limited plugin and extension integrations

To add certain features or extensions, whether it’s Chat, newsletter or other functionality, online platforms will only allow for limited integration, and often require other fees.

Collaborative design with experts

You communicate your needs, your identity, your concept. We come back to you at every decisive stage of the creation, from simple mock-ups and visuals, to the most technical revisions. An enjoyable iteration…..

Autonomous creation. You need to take charge of the entire project, from setup, to writing, to graphic customization and promotion.
Autonomy from the start!

Not only do you have administrator access from the beginning of the project, but above all, you have the necessary tools so that you depend on a minimum of one service provider. Content updates, or certain types of changes to the site, are intended for you.

Sometimes, after the first stage of the creation process, teams no longer know where to turn for catalog or site updates.
Performance and integrated tracking

The right monitoring and tracking tools allow you to see the results of the work we do. That’s why transparency about our actions and results is TOTAL!

If you want to track and analyze your audiences, you will need to set up and set up the tracking codes, and their account.

Web Design Steps: Definition of Objectives and Type of Site (Showcase, Redesign, Transactional)

We always start by talking to you. And a lot of times, you know what’s important. It is essential to clearly define your goals before you start designing your website. That’s why we spend time asking you questions:

Do you want to increase your online visibility? Maybe you want to improve user engagement? Or maybe you’re looking to increase your online sales? Whatever your objectives, create a blog, showcase promotion site, transactional site?

A clear understanding of these will help you create a website that meets your needs.

The Creation of the Game Plan!

Once you’ve set your goals, it’s time to create a plan for your website. This plan should include details such as the structure of your site, the type of content you will create, and how you will optimize your site for search engines.

Pure and hard development

This is the playground of the technical team. Once your plan is in place, your website development can begin. This involves creating your design, coding your site, and integrating any necessary content or functionality.

Launch and Maintenance

After development, it’s time to launch your website. However, the work doesn’t stop there. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the optimal performance of your site. This includes adding new content, updating existing features, and analyzing user behavior for future improvements.

The Importance of Content in Website Design

Content is the soul of your website. Quality content attracts visitors, retains them, and keeps them coming back. Good content should be relevant, informative, and engaging.

The Role of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Technical and semantic optimization is an integral part of designing a successful website. It allows your site to be easily found by users who are looking for information or services similar to what you offer. A site that is well optimized for SEO will attract more traffic, increase your brand’s visibility, and improve your chances of conversion. We build high-performance websites for businesses and SMEs in Montreal, and elsewhere, that meet your needs, and also meet Google’s criteria.

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    5290 Des Erables, Montréal

    5.0 18 reviews

    • Avatar Benoit Arsenault ★★★★★ 3 months ago
      J’ai l’honneur de collaborer avec toute l’équipe de Blackcat SEO, depuis plusieurs années, et je ne peux que les recommander chaleureusement. Leur expertise dans les différents aspects du SEO est tout simplement inégalée.
      L’équipe d’Antonin
      … More propose des stratégies SEO personnalisées qui ont considérablement amélioré le retour sur investissement de mes clients. Leurs audits de pointe et leurs optimisations SEO, qu’elles soient « ON-site » ou « OFF-site », sont toujours méticuleusement réalisés. Ils maîtrisent aussi bien les techniques SEO que la création de backlinks de qualité.
      Leur approche unique et leurs solutions sur mesure m’ont permis ainsi que mes clients de voir des résultats tangibles et durables. Si vous cherchez des experts en référencement naturel pour faire passer votre entreprise au niveau supérieur, je vous recommande vivement Antonin et toute l’équipe de Blackcat SEO.
    • Avatar Chantal Lessard ★★★★★ 3 months ago
      Je tiens absolument à remercier chaleureusement Antonin et toute l'équipe de BlackCat Seo pour leur travail remarquable et le service client hors pair qu'ils fournissent à chaque fois.
      Leur expertise pointue en SEO est tout simplement
      … More impressionnante. Ils maîtrisent parfaitement tous les aspects de l'optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche, que ce soit la stratégie de mots-clés, le linkbuilding, l'optimisation on-page ou les aspects plus techniques. Grâce à leurs efforts ciblés et intelligents, le trafic et le classement de mon site se sont considérablement améliorés.
      Mais au-delà de leurs grandes compétences, ce qui distingue vraiment Antonin et son équipe, c'est leur dévouement sans faille envers leurs clients. Ils sont toujours ultra réactifs, à l'écoute, prêts à donner des conseils avisés. On sent qu'ils se donnent à 200% pour la réussite de chaque projet. C'est tellement rare et précieux d'avoir un prestataire aussi impliqué et passionné.
      En résumé, je recommande BlackCat Seo les yeux fermés à quiconque souhaite booster son référencement naturel de façon sérieuse et pérenne. Vous pouvez leur faire une confiance absolue, vous ne serez pas déçus! Un immense merci à Antonin et son équipe, continuez votre superbe travail.
    • Avatar Jeremy ★★★★★ 3 months ago
      Un partenaire de confiance pour le SEO, nous collaborons depuis plus d'an et le service personnalisé de l'équipe fait toute la différence!
    • Avatar Nicolas Bon ★★★★★ 3 months ago
      BlackcatSEO est une agence exceptionnelle qui a considérablement amélioré notre visibilité en ligne. Leur expertise et leur dévouement nous ont permis d'atteindre des résultats impressionnants en un temps record. Well Done à la team!! … More
    • Avatar Karine L. ★★★★★ 11 months ago
    • Avatar Almutaz Moualla ★★★★★ a year ago
      Antonin and his team have done a great job and have proven, through my experience with them, a high level of commitment, weekly follow-up, and important advice that increases the success of the company and the spread of the site. I advise … More every company to choose Black Cat. Thank you, Antonin, for your continued effort with us
    • Avatar Christian Drapeau ★★★★★ a year ago
      The team at BlackCat has work hard and has been effective at building a strong SEO presence for Stemregen. Thank you BlackCat Team!
    • Avatar Kalyagen USA ★★★★★ a year ago
      I always receive an excellent service and these people really know their area of expertise.
    • Avatar Web Planete Tv ★★★★★ 4 months ago
      Nous sommes impatients de poursuivre notre collaboration avec BlackCat Seo afin de continuer à développer notre présence en ligne. Leur équipe est toujours à l'affût des dernières tendances et technologies en matière de SEO, ce qui … More nous permet de rester à l'avant-garde dans notre secteur. Grâce à leurs efforts constants et à leur approche proactive, nous avons pu atteindre de nouveaux sommets et attirer un public plus large et plus engagé.
      Antonin et son équipe ne se contentent pas de fournir des résultats, ils bâtissent également des relations de confiance avec leurs clients. Leur disponibilité et leur réactivité sont exemplaires, et ils n'hésitent jamais à aller au-delà de ce qui est attendu pour assurer notre succès. Si vous recherchez des professionnels passionnés et efficaces pour booster votre visibilité en ligne, ne cherchez pas plus loin que BlackCat Seo. Leur travail dépasse toutes les attentes, et nous sommes honorés de les avoir comme partenaires.
      Encore un grand merci à Antonin et à toute l'équipe pour leur dévouement et leur travail remarquable. Vous avez transformé notre présence en ligne et nous en sommes extrêmement reconnaissants.
    • Avatar Réjean Lessard (A Bas Prix Extermination) ★★★★★ 4 months ago
      Une équipe de SEO hors pair !
      Je tiens à exprimer ma profonde gratitude en attribuant 5 étoiles bien méritées à Antonin et à l'ensemble de l'équipe de BlackCat SEO pour leur travail exceptionnel. Il est véritablement rare de
      … More croiser le chemin de professionnels aussi dévoués et talentueux dans le domaine du référencement naturel.
      Leur expertise approfondie, combinée à leur approche personnalisée, a permis d'accroître significativement la visibilité de mon entreprise sur les moteurs de recherche. Grâce à leurs conseils avisés et à leur accompagnement constant, j'ai pu constater une nette amélioration de mon positionnement et de ma notoriété en ligne.
      La réactivité et la disponibilité d'Antonin et de son équipe sont également à souligner. Ils ont toujours su répondre à mes interrogations et m'ont guidé à chaque étape de notre collaboration. Leur professionnalisme et leur dévouement sont des atouts précieux qui font toute la différence.
      Je recommande chaudement les services de BlackCat SEO à toute personne ou entreprise souhaitant optimiser son référencement et booster sa présence sur le web. Un grand merci à Antonin et à toute l'équipe pour leur engagement et leur savoir-faire !
    • Avatar Rejean Lessard ★★★★★ 4 months ago
      Je donne 5 étoiles à Antonin et à toute l'équipe de BlackCat SEO pour leur travail exceptionnel. Il est rare de rencontrer des experts aussi dévoués et talentueux en matière de référencement (SEO).
      Grâce à leur expertise approfondie
      … More et leur approche personnalisée, nous avons constaté une amélioration significative de notre visibilité en ligne, ce qui a eu un impact positif sur notre entreprise.
      Ils ne se contentent pas d'appliquer des stratégies de référencement classiques, mais vont au-delà en proposant des solutions innovantes qui répondent spécifiquement à nos besoins.
      Leur communication est excellente, ce qui permet une collaboration fluide et efficace. En résumé, si vous cherchez à booster votre présence en ligne, BlackCat SEO et son équipe sont le choix par excellence.
    • Avatar Drony Mous ★★★★★ a year ago
      Great experience, gain of qualified traffic, and lots of explanations along the way...
    • Avatar Jérémy H. Little ★★★★★ a year ago
      Honnêtes, dévoués et habiles. Extraordinaire en termes de qualité et résultats. Transparents et fiables. Je n’ai que eu des expériences positives. Un grand merci à toute l’équipe. Je ne regarderai pas ailleurs pour mes besoins.
    • Avatar Denis Bourque ★★★★★ a year ago
      L'équipe est géniale! Elle a su mettre mon site web sur la mappe! Maintenant, lorsqu'on tape planificateur financier, Montréal, nous sortons sur la première page et tout cela sans aucun budget de publicité.
      Merci à toute l'équipe!
      … More


    Local site /showcase

    2500$No subscription
    • 5 pages
    • SEO optimization
    • Blog

    Simple transaction

    5500$No subscription
    • 25 products – 5 pages
    • SEO optimization
    • Performance optimization
    • Blog
    • Transaction

    Advanced e-commerce

    8500$Promotion in addition
    • 50 products – 10 pages
    • SEO optimization
    • Performance optimization
    • Blog
    • Transaction
    • Multilingual

    Entrust your Web Design to BlackcatSEO developers

    Through a collaborative partnership where we start by listening to YOU.

    The BlackCat label

    By doing business with BlackCat SEO, putting your website online is enough to ensure its visibility on the internet, for every computer, tablet, or mobile. We create websites optimized for humans and robots! In addition, since our SEO expertise can be applied from the first line of code, your optimized presence on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing is assured. Together, we target your needs and expectations in terms of user experience, design and graphics, and organic visibility (referencing) to maximize, from the start, every aspect of your site’s profitability.

    Frequent questions

    How much should I earn from my website?

    Integrating a website can be done in 1000 different ways – but few of them can bring you success in traffic and conversions.

    When compared to other means of advertising, a website does not cost much. It offers good value for money that you can see thanks to the number of visits, and you will probably have very attractive proposals on the Net, but be aware that a good professional website has its cost.

    The cost varies depending on the type of site you want to design. With BlackCatSEO, you get a compliant, complete, professional site, and reviewed by you as many times as necessary.

    A good website should have intuitive navigation, attractive design, quality content, mobile compatibility, and search engine optimization. The creation of a website dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), is the best way to optimize the rise and development of this company. Our agency vouches to accompany you in this project from the implementation to the management of your website. Coupled with a good SEO strategy, we make every effort for your ROI. Start by choosing the right technology to showcase your content!

    The right message

    A development strategy is incomplete without the design of a website. This is the key element of the latter: a website is the nucleus that fuels a company’s visibility. The effectiveness of the website will not only enhance the attractiveness of the company, but it will help maintain customer loyalty and find new ones. In a nutshell, your website should be able to reflect the credibility of your brand.

    To achieve this, we work in collaboration with our web design partner agency Cassiopea.

    The right solution

    In general, when a company uses a website design agency, it is because it has a given concern or expectation. Several questions have therefore been answered with the design of a website. Here are a few:

    • What are the consumers in the target group currently expect?
    • What can I do to increase the visibility of my SME to a wider range of customers?
    • Make my company more competitive in its market?
    • Be more credible with my customers?
    • Make my product and service offerings available to multiple potential customers?

    Although the start-up costs are substantial and therefore quite high for small and medium-sized enterprises with limited budgets, it should be noted that the creation of a website can be adapted to any budget.

    Our agency offers you, depending on your possibilities and your objectives, various categories of services accompanying the design of your website.

    We build platforms that give you a lot of autonomy, and allow you to add features / adds-on / plugins, such as Chat, Newsletter, and much more. Nevertheless, here are some great classics:

    Website analysis and continuous tracking.

    With such a website analysis, the weaknesses that hinder the performance and quality of an existing site will be identified. Therefore, it is easy to provide solutions to improve and better position this site on search engines. Secondly, prospects (potential customers) will be better attracted.

    We provide detailed reports on everything.

    A departure promotion

    We proudly deliver the website you requested, trying to exceed your expectations, but also, a first level of promotion. Since we know that results on Google can take time, especially for recent sites, we offer a press release, directories, and different types of media articles, to attract the interest of search engines.

    A responsive and optimized site

    Thanks to a responsive site, you can facilitate contact between you and your future customers. You give them the opportunity to discover you while listening to them. This interaction is made possible by the removal of the notion of remoteness. Your website will be adapted to be compatible with all screen formats and sizes. Your website is therefore accessible in all places and at all times.

    A blog and a solid content strategy

    The best way to give your business a boost is to create a blog dedicated to it. This involves writing articles on a regular basis related to your field of intervention. This is the ideal marketing channel, as you can consider each item as a new way for a future customer to reach your site. Your know-how and expertise are put first while attracting a larger flow to your site.

    A rewarding portfolio or showcase

    We can compare the portfolio to an album of your accomplishments. By creating it for you, we will publish your company’s achievements in order to showcase it. In particular, it is adopted by companies specializing in construction and renovation. The client will therefore have an overview of your skills and the results they would get with you. This will build trust or strengthen confidence.

    Yes, it doesn’t matter what technology it has. We’ve helped more than 300 companies build their online presence. Contact our team for more information about an existing website:

    The time it takes to design a website varies depending on the size and complexity of the project. It can take a few weeks to a few months to create a fully customized website.

    Here are some signs that your website needs a redesign:

    1. Outdated design: If your website has been sporting the same design for several years, it may seem outdated and not meet current user standards. A contemporary and attractive look can attract new visitors and retain existing ones.
    2. Lack of recent features: If your website is not responsive (i.e., adaptable to different screen sizes), or if it lacks key features like e-commerce, social media integration, a blog, then a redesign may be necessary.
    3. Unsatisfactory performance: A website that loads slowly or has errors can frustrate users and deter them from returning. In addition, poor performance can negatively affect your positioning in search engine results.
    4. Update difficulties: If updating your website is a daunting task, or if you still depend on a developer for this task, a redesign with an easy-to-use content management system (CMS) may be necessary.
    5. Low conversion rate: If your website doesn’t meet its goals (e.g., sales, newsletter signups, quote requests, etc.), it could indicate a design or functionality issue that a redesign could solve.
    6. Rebranding or business strategy: If your company has recently changed its branding or strategy, your current website may no longer be aligned with your identity or business goals. In this case, a redesign may be necessary.

    These signs do not cover all scenarios and each case is unique. Thus, it is recommended to consult a professional to determine if a redesign is necessary and how to implement it optimally.

    Creating a website is a process that involves:

    • The aesthetics of the site (design, user interface),
    • The development of the content and navigation structure,
    • Optimization for better search engine referencing (SEO),
    • Technical components, such as coding and programming.

    We work the website for what it represents, and to exceed its objectives. We don’t create empty shells without a powerful strategy behind them.

    • The blog

    The blog is arguably one of the most prevalent types of websites! It allows companies to periodically publish articles related to their activities. Its design is more or less simple and does not require a very large budget although the associated SEOstrategies can be powerful.

    • Domain name (address .com .ca .fr .net .org, etc.)
    • High-performance accommodation
    • Full website
    • Personalised email
    • Delivery in less than 7 days
    • Event in less than 48 hours
    • Referencing (positioning on google)
    • Portal cms (easily allows you to edit your website yourself!)
    • Html5 css3
    • Responsive design that adapts to tablets and mobiles.

    Web design with Magento

    When you own a business, creating an e-commerce site is a real opportunity to sell more products to a wider customer base, without any geographical boundaries. In addition, when you want to sell products online, it is important to use a suitable CMS that will highlight all your products. To do this, BlackCatSEO designs and develops your e-commerce site with CMS Magento. With Magento, you get the following benefits:

    • Magento is stretchy and flexible: You can easily add thousands of products, manage a large number of your sales and customize your design
    • Magento is multilingual: You have the opportunity to expand your business to sell your products internationally
    • Magento references your products and your site: You can get meaningful results on search engines with a good organic SEO strategy

    Web design with WordPress

    Designing your website with the CMS WordPress brings its share of benefits. As the most widely used CMS in the world, WordPress is popular with small and medium-sized businesses. Indeed, the CMS WordPress gives you the following advantages for your website:

    • WordPress reduces costs: You get a free, open source CMS that lets you use many convenient extensions to customize your site’s design and functionality
    • WordPress is easy to use: You can easily edit your WordPress site because it’s a very intuitive CMS
    • WordPress is SEO friendly: You get good results on search engines with the CMS WordPress when you’re working on your natural REFERencing.

    E-commerce site: a cost equal to web design.

    This is not to scare you, but an e-commerce site will cost you a bit more than other types of websites; you’ll have to pay around 10,000 CAD for its design. But hey! After all, it will earn you a lot more money than the others. It allows you to offer your customers a product catalog.

    Web Design: What are the technologies?

    There are usually three web designtechnologies. The first is to proceed natively with web programming languages such as HTML and C. This technology is very difficult and tends to make way for cmS.

    • CMS: the most popular website creation technology.

    Content Management Systems (CMS) are the most commonly used in web designtoday. WordPress, THE most popular CMS, is used for the design of 20 websites worldwide. It is indeed very easy to use and offers a set of themes and plug-in for personalization.

    • Responsive Design: Web design technology that adapts your site to the visitor

    One technology is to dynamically adapt your website to the resolution of the device used by the user: this is Responsive Design. Indeed, most of the web browsing today is done on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets and no longer exclusively on computers.