Project Description

10ruptiv, formerly Pointpubmedia, is a dynamic web agency based on the South Shore of Montreal, specializing in the digital transformation of businesses. In the face of the rapidly changing digital landscape, 10ruptiv undertook a complete overhaul of its strategy in collaboration with BlackcatSEO to strengthen its online presence and improve its positioning in search results.

In-Depth Online Presence Analysis for IT Solutions + CITIES

In partnership with BlackcatSEO, 10ruptiv conducted an in-depth analysis of its online presence, focusing on several crucial aspects of SEO optimization. This analysis included a detailed evaluation of relevant keywords, a competitor analysis, an evaluation of the site’s architecture and technical performance, as well as an evaluation of the quality and relevance of existing content.

Custom SEO Strategy for INFRA Services

Based on the results of the analysis, 10ruptiv and BlackcatSEO developed a custom SEO strategy to improve 10ruptiv’s visibility and ranking in search results. This strategy included several key initiatives, including:

  • Meta Tag and Structured Tag Optimization: Review and optimization of meta tags, title and description tags to improve the relevance and readability of search results.
  • Optimization of the Site’s Performance: Audit and optimization of the site’s technical performance, including CSS and JavaScript code optimization, image compression, and reduction of load times to improve user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Link Building Strategy: Development of a robust link building strategy to increase 10ruptiv’s domain authority and strengthen its credibility in the eyes of search engines. This included identifying and sourcing quality partners, as well as creating engaging content to attract natural links.
  • Performance Analysis and Reporting: Setting up tracking and reporting metrics to monitor the progress and performance of the SEO strategy. Regular reports were provided to 10ruptiv to track keyword rankings, organic traffic, and other KPIs.

Implementation and Monitoring

BlackcatSEO worked closely with the 10ruptiv team to implement the SEO strategy and ensure its continuous monitoring. Adjustments have been made based on the data collected and market trends, in order to constantly optimize the results and achieve the set objectives.