Project Description

SEO for Residential Real Estate in the Plateau Mont-Royal with

The residential real estate market in the Plateau Mont-Royal is unique, combining historical charm, cultural diversity and urban dynamism. At, we understand the critical importance of standing out in such a competitive market. That’s why we collaborated with Dorem to transform their online presence and help them thrive in this demanding environment.

SEO Optimization on Wix for Maximum Visibility:

Building an effective online presence on Wix requires technical expertise and in-depth knowledge of SEO best practices. To, we’ve optimized every aspect of their Wix site, from meta tags to custom URLs, to ensure maximum visibility in search results. Our tailor-made approach has allowed Dorem to position itself at the top of the results for relevant real estate searches in the Plateau Mont-Royal.

Property Listing Creation and Integration:

The key to attracting potential clients is to provide attractive and informative property listings. We worked closely with Dorem to create custom property listings, highlighting each house or apartment with detailed descriptions, quality images, and relevant information about the neighborhood. Seamlessly integrating these listings on their Wix site ensures a smooth and engaging user experience.

Multilingual Content Optimization:

In a market as diverse as the real estate market in the Plateau Mont-Royal, the ability to communicate effectively with a multilingual audience is essential. We worked with Dorem to translate their key content into multiple languages, providing a personalized experience for both French and English visitors. This approach has strengthened Dorem’s reach and allowed them to reach a wider and more diverse audience.

Advanced SEO Strategy for Local Domination:

To stand out in the Plateau Mont-Royal residential real estate market, it is essential to target local customers strategically. Our team has developed an advanced SEO strategy focused on local optimization, including the creation of specific pages for the neighborhoods and property types sought, as well as the proactive management of Dorem’s presence on Google My Business. This approach has allowed Dorem to strengthen its online presence in the local community and attract a steady stream of qualified customers.