Project Description – SEO Optimization for a Quebec Clothing Designer on Shopify is an online store offering clothing designed by Quebec designer, Ève Lavoie. Its commitment to quality, design and sustainability make it a preferred choice for fashion lovers who care about supporting local designers. In partnership with BlackcatSEO, undertook an SEO optimization strategy aimed at improving its online visibility and attracting qualified traffic to its Shopify store.

Onsite, Technical and Semantic SEO Optimization

BlackcatSEO started by conducting an in-depth analysis of the site to identify opportunities for onsite, technical, and semantic optimization. This included optimizing meta tags, improving navigation structure and URLs to make it easier for search engines to crawl, as well as optimizing content to include keywords that are relevant and specific to Quebec fashion and design. In addition, special attention has been paid to the variation of products in different colors to compensate for non-canonical filters, thus improving the relevance and visibility of products in search results.

Local Media and Directories

In parallel with onsite optimization, BlackcatSEO has implemented an offsite promotion strategy for This included publishing press releases and articles on Quebec fashion and design media, as well as listing the store in local directories and online shopping platforms. These actions helped to build brand awareness and attract qualified traffic of potential customers. observed a significant increase in organic traffic to its Shopify online store, as well as an improvement in its visibility in search results for relevant keywords such as “Quebec clothing designer” and “local fashion.” Adjustments to product variations and off-site promotion have also helped to build brand awareness and attract new customers who are keen to support local designers.