Project Description

SEO for Painting and Repair of Sheet Metal Roofs in Montreal

Urbi Roofing is a company specializing in the painting and repair of sheet metal roofs in Montreal. Their expertise in the field of metal roofing makes them a preferred choice for homeowners looking to protect and enhance the appearance of their roofs. Together with BlackcatSEO, Urbi Roofing undertook a thorough optimization of its existing website as well as a netlinking campaign to strengthen its online presence and attract more potential customers.

Website SEO Optimization

BlackcatSEO started by conducting an in-depth analysis of the Urbi Roofing website to identify areas for improvement in terms of search engine optimization. This included optimizing meta tags, improving URL structure, adjusting content to include relevant keywords, and optimizing site loading speed. These adjustments have increased the visibility of Toiture Urbi in organic search results.

Netlinking campaign

In parallel with the optimization of the website, BlackcatSEO set up a targeted netlinking campaign to strengthen Urbi Roofing’s domain authority and improve its credibility in the eyes of search engines. This included identifying relevant and quality websites to link to, creating engaging content to drive sharing and linking, and continuously tracking backlinks to ensure their quality and relevance.