Project Description

SEO and SEO at the Financial Planning Summit in Montreal

The financial planning market in Montreal is a demanding field where every strategy counts. At, we have risen to this challenge brilliantly by collaborating with Planico to create an online presence that stands out in this competitive market.

Captivating and Compelling Website Design:

Every visitor to is greeted by a website that combines aesthetics and functionality. We worked closely with the Planico team to design an intuitive platform that reflects their professionalism and expertise. From clean interfaces to strategic calls to action, every element of the site has been carefully crafted to provide an optimal and compelling user experience.

Tailor-made SEO strategy for Maximum Visibility:

In the complex world of SEO in Montreal, standing out requires a tailor-made strategy. Our SEO approach to has been shaped by extensive research of relevant local keywords, sharp technical optimization, and the creation of captivating content. This strategy has allowed Planico to reach the top positions in the search results, attracting a steady stream of potential customers.

Persuasive and Informative Content to Educate and Convince:

Educating and convincing visitors is at the heart of’s content strategy. In collaboration with the Planico team, we have developed persuasive and informative content that demystifies financial planning and demonstrates the added value of their services. From informative blog posts to detailed how-to guides, each piece of content aims to enlighten and engage visitors, inspiring them to take action.

Backlinks and Media to Strengthen Online Authority:

Online authority is key to building trust in the financial field. We worked with Planico to get quality backlinks from authority sources and to get mentions in local and trade media. These actions helped to boost Planico’s credibility online, establishing strong trust with their target audience.