Bing ads agency

If you’re wondering as an e-commerce store owner how Bing Ads can help you, you have no idea what its potential is. Thanks to Bing, our Montreal-based Bing agency connects you with more than 6 million Internet users who regularly use the Bing search engine. The percentage of Bing users is significantly higher in the United States. Our montreal agency offers you a unique opportunity to enjoy the benefits of Bing Ads.

What is Bing Ads?

Bing is the second most used search engine in most European and US countries. While everyone is rushing to search engines deemed major, companies that have understood the targeting power of Bing Ads are increasingly using it to optimize their advertising campaigns. Microsoft Bing Ads is a single tool for three Bing, Yahoo and Qwant platforms.

The formats offered by Bing Ads

You can launch your e-commerce site’s advertising campaigns on Bing Ads by focusing on mobile media,audience tracking or local advertising. Bing Ads is a powerful precision and targeting tool that allows it to offer you incredible conversion rates. As an advertiser, you have the ability to position your ads as texts that will be displayed by Bing Ads in the best way to provide users with the most enticing user experience. You can also choose the dynamic search ad format. Here, once your text announcement is published, it’s the keywords of the queries of the internet users that will bring out your website. Finally, the ad format specially designed for e-retailers and which certainly resembles Google Shopping. With Bing Ads, this product ad format showcases your e-shop’s products in Bing Shopping. The Bing Ads algorithm allows this. Only one condition to be able to position a product via this format. You have to go through the stage of creating the bing Merchant center account. For greater efficiency, we’ll help you create your account and set it up. The products on your e-commerce site will then need to be filled with a product ad block title. Bing Ads will do the rest to make people meet the queries of Internet users and your products.

The benefits of running an advertising campaign on Bing Ads

You won’t find a tool on the market that is as versatile and offers you the combined sales force of Bing, Yahoo and Qwant. The audience we allow you to access is very broad and very active on online shopping especially thanks to the advertising format Bing Shopping or text Ads. A second advantage of this advertising tool is that it is prized by companies and therefore conducive to BtoB advertising campaigns. Another advantage of Bing Ads is that the budget tailored to your advertising objectives is significantly reduced and we are working to dynamically adjust spending based on real-time results. The average cost-per-click (CPC) is most attractive for e-commerce companies that want to reach more leads and therefore make more sales. Finally, Google AdWords advertising campaigns can be transferred as they are from Google to Bing Ads.

Why ask for the help of a Bing expert to target your users?

Our Bing agency in Montreal works with your shop to implement a powerful marketing strategy. Every day, we help our clients solve challenges they could never have done without the help of an expert. We bring our expertise on the best approach to capture significant traffic from qualified visitors through a combined multi-engine search strategy. We also help them understand the major advantage that Bing Ads has to offer, allowing it to transfer a pre-google AdWords ad campaign. Our experts are also masters in the art of setting up campaigns with very little investment for a positive and profitable RETURN on investment (ROI). At Blackcatseo, we can help you organize both your Google AdWords campaign and your Bing Ads campaign from a single advertising model. For you, it will be growth as it is not only Canada that we are helping you achieve. It’s the whole world that comes to buy in your shop.

We help you sell your shop’s products

At Blackseo, we help you put your products ahead in the Bing Shopping price comparison. Your products will be referenced among millions of others around the world. Just like with Google Shopping, we’ll help you build product feeds of your articles and organize advertising campaigns. Thanks to search engine advertising on Bing, users and potential customers of your products will find you thanks to their queries. We are Bing Shopping experts and we guarantee you a fruitful collaboration that draws new prospects to your shop. Don’t worry, you won’t have to invest much.

Enjoy a unique experience with our agency

Our Montreal agency organizes each advertising campaign on a case-by-case basis. The Bing agency supports you and accompanies you from the beginning to the end of your campaign. We support companies in implementing the most appropriate marketing strategy and help you launch your Bing Ads campaign at the right time. After the launch of the Bing Ads campaign, your business will not be the same on the internet. You will inevitably gain traffic and you will gain notoriety. But we would never be satisfied without an exponential increase in your online sales.

What you earn by trusting us

We promise you a most strategic collaboration that guarantees you bing advertising perfectly orchestrated with a rigor budget that will allow us to achieve your goals. Bing Ads is based on user-generated keywords in the search engine. Our strategy is also to optimize the user experience in order to double or even multiply your sales by a thousand.

We have expertise in managing and optimizing Bing Ads campaigns. Our Bing Ads agency in Montreal collects relevant information to enhance your company’s presence on the Internet. We discuss with you whether or not you can use tools to implement your digital marketing strategy. A periodic reporting or campaign report of the various activities and steps carried out in the context of the Bing Shopping campaign is for us a sign of confidence to which we attach a great deal of price. Finally, we offer a collaboration free of contracts. You do not seem satisfied with our services, you can terminate our collaboration at any time.

But above all, we offer you an evaluation, a completely free campaign audit with no hidden fees.