Reference Renovation – SEO Cases

The renovation sector in Montreal is growing, fueled by the demand from homeowners looking to improve, restore or modernize their properties. Competition is intense, with many companies offering specialized services in various aspects of renovation. To stand out, it is essential to have optimized online visibility. A well-designed search engine optimization (SEO) strategy helps improve search engine visibility and attract qualified traffic to home improvement companies’ websites. At BlackcatSEO, we’ve worked with several clients in the home improvement industry to optimize their online presence. Blackcat SEO is also involved in the referencing of Small and medium-sized enterprises that want to attack the renovation market, and take more organic places on search engines, including Google. Several clients have commissioned us to obtain better positions on keywords related to their market, such as ‘roofing’ Montreal’ or ‘renovation Montreal’.

In addition to using more leads and traffic directly after the start of the REFERencing work, our customers have noticed an increase in the conversion rate on the site.

Our Reno, Roofing, Cracking, and Completed Work Clients

  • Urbi Roofing

Urbi Roofing specializes in painting and repairing sheet metal roofs in Montreal. We optimized their existing website by improving meta tags, service descriptions, and site performance for better indexing by search engines. A netlinking campaign was set up to get backlinks from relevant sites in the field of renovation and construction, thus strengthening the site’s authority.

  • Expert Crack

Fissure Expert offers foundation crack repair services throughout Quebec. We performed a complete SEO optimization, including improving meta tags and service descriptions, as well as optimizing site speed. The site has been redesigned on WordPress for better performance and easier management. High-quality backlinks have been obtained from construction sites and blogs specializing in renovation.

  • Cleaning Experts

Nettoyage Experts specializes in the cleaning of ventilation ducts and carpets. We worked on onsite and offsite SEO optimization, including the creation of relevant content for the various cleaning services, the technical optimization of the site, and the acquisition of backlinks from local media and thematic directories to strengthen the site’s authority.

  • INTO

INTO offers tailor-made solutions for access and safety equipment for working at height. We have optimized their website to improve the visibility of the services offered. The optimization of meta tags, product descriptions and the implementation of an effective internal linking have been implemented. Quality backlinks from construction and security sites have been acquired to build the site’s authority.

  • Machinage Gagné

Machinage Gagné offers CNC and conventional machining services, as well as gear manufacturing and repair. We optimized the website by improving meta tags, service descriptions, and content structure. A backlinking strategy was implemented to obtain quality links from industrial sites and blogs specializing in machining.

  • Elite caulking

Calgautrage Élite specializes in caulking residential and commercial buildings. We have achieved comprehensive SEO optimization, with a focus on service descriptions, meta tag improvement, and technical site optimization. Backlinks from renovation blogs and caulking sites were acquired to build the site’s authority.

  • Vopaa

Vopaa offers foundation crack repair services in the Outaouais region. We optimized their website to improve local visibility, including optimizing meta tags, service descriptions, and creating localized content. A targeted netlinking campaign was set up to obtain backlinks from local websites and blogs specializing in renovation.

SEO Strategy for the Renovation Industry

For every project in the renovation sector, we start with an in-depth analysis of the market and competition to identify best practices and opportunities. We optimize meta tags, titles, and page descriptions to reflect keywords specific to each home improvement service. Creating informative and engaging content is essential for meeting the needs of potential customers and improving the ranking of sites in search results.


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Testez le Référencement BlackCatSEO Montréal

Nous bâtissons un site selon vos critères, et bénéficiant des meilleures pratiques.

Nous optimisons le code, la performance, et le contenu pour le robot et pour l’usager.

Nous accentuons les Backlinks a forte autorité pour le référencement organique.

4. PPC

Les campagnes payantes sont optimisés sur votre site pour ne perdre aucun trafic.

Augmentation du nombre de liens équivant à une hausse de trafic qualifié et de ventes.

Ils nous font confiance