Project Description

Onsepan – Optimization of Hierarchy and Website Structure for the US Market

Onsepan, a provider of e-signature solutions for the US market, collaborated with BlackcatSEO to optimize the hierarchy and structure of its website to improve its usability and online visibility. This case study highlights BlackcatSEO’s efforts to optimize Onsepan’s website and strengthen its presence in the US market.

In-Depth Analysis of the Hierarchy and Structure of the Site

BlackcatSEO undertook an in-depth analysis of the hierarchy and structure of Onsepan’s website to identify potential areas for improvement. This included looking at page organization, navigation, menus, and internal links. The goal was to streamline the site’s structure to provide a more intuitive user experience and improve the visibility of key content for users and search engines.

Reorganization and Optimization of Navigation

BlackcatSEO recommended a reorganization of the navigation of the Onsepan website to better highlight its main content and simplify access to essential information. This included creating clear and concise menus, using consistent navigation tags, as well as setting up relevant internal links to guide users to the site’s strategic pages. By improving navigation, Onsepan was able to improve the user experience and promote better indexing by search engines.

URL Structure and HTML Tag Optimization

BlackcatSEO also recommended adjustments to the URL structure and HTML tags to optimize the visibility of the Onsepan website in search results. This included optimizing URLs to make them user-friendly and descriptive, as well as using title tags, meta description tags, and Hn tags to highlight key content. By optimizing the structure of URLs and HTML tags, Onsepan was able to improve its online presence and attract more qualified traffic.