I/ Property


A. Pasquereau
Ave. Papinau
Montreal, Que.

53 Rue de la Maire
Z.I. of the Paluds

Tel: (33) 04 84 25 00 04
Fax: (33) 04 84 25 00 09

II/ Terms of use

The provision of the BlackcatSEO.ca service is completely free, excluding connection fees that may be charged by the user’s Internet service provider for the use of its own service.

The purpose of this website is to best advise the user of the site in the search for an Internet referencing provider. However, its responsibility and that of its author cannot, however, be incurred, criminally or morally, as a result of the misapplication of this advice.

All the information contained on the website BlackcatSEO.ca was written by professionals aware of the practices and abuses of the referencing community. However, this advice, which is given in good faith, is given as an indication and does not represent injunctions or legal recommendations.

III/ Data privacy

The Pharmapause.com website has decided not to store any data on its users or the material they use on its own.

On the other hand, the third-party service Google Analytics is installed on the site to provide owners with statistical data anonymously. Google Analytics is owned by Google, Inc. and uses the cookie system to store your own data.

If you don’t want to share this information with Google, you can install Google Analytics’ navigation alp add-on. More information can be found on this page.

IV/ Copyright

All articles published on the site Pharmapause.com and on the blog associated with it, and more generally all the textual content present on this site, is the exclusive property of the legal owner of that website.

As a result, and under Articles L.112-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code, any full or partial reproduction of such content is strictly prohibited, as well as its use or modification without written consent of its person responsible.

Pharmapause.com reserves the right to criminally liability for violators of these legal obligations.